Raising Littles,  Saving Money

Parents! Save BIG on Amazon Prime Days This Year

Amazon Prime Days are HERE!

Fellow parents!  I know you’re busy.  Those pesky schools said, “TAG!  You’re it!” and now you’re go-go-going like crazy this summer.  I know you have SO many things to do…trips to the lake, soccer practices, neighborhood BBQs and playdates.  But I must interrupt your busy summer to tell you about the best deals for my fellow mommas and dads out there!

I know kids are expensive.  With two in childcare and one still in diapers, I don’t have to look far to understand, “Where DOES my money go!?!”  Parents, we need to take care of each other and that means – looking for deals and telling other parents about them.  I know you have bills, too…kids grow constantly and clothes are expensive.  They’re hungry, bored, curious, adventurous and SO CUTE!  I know that you (like me) need to make those dollars go REALLY far!  Well, today is your lucky day!

Amazon, one of the world’s top shopping destinations for ALL THINGS has it’s “Summertime Black Friday” sales coming up soon!  Amazon Prime Day (it’s so good, it’s actually 2 days now.)   

Water Play

Essentials for Health

Get Outside!

Home and Bedroom

Organization Essentials

Back To School


Whether your on a tight schedule or a tight budget, I hope you found some helpful savings here!  Be sure to check back ON PRIME DAYS for the best deals of the season. 


Here’s to saving big, playing even bigger, and to your best summer yet!

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