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Living a Sugar Free Lifestyle ~ How I Improved Energy, Mood, and Health

Why I Live a Sugar Free Lifestyle

Sugar has ruled my entire life. Many people who read this know the feeling. It seems as though every chapter of my life ~ every good time and every not-so-good time has some attachment to sugar.  I had to make an important decision for my health: that was to live a sugar free lifestyle

After many years of experimentation, trying to prove to myself that I could manage my sugar addiction and more, I finally decided to embrace my sugar free lifestyle. 

The hardest part about a sugar free lifestyle is not so hard anymore!  That is…

What can I actually eat?! 

Read on to see my comprehensive grocery list!

Before I get into what I eat to stay healthy and have balanced energy and moods, let me tell you why I don’t eat sugar, wheat, or flour anymore. 

Why I Chose a Sugar Free Lifestyle

When I’m off sugar, wheat, and flour (or what I like to call SWF), …

  1. I have outrageous amounts of steady energy, all day and every day.  I require less sleep than in the past and wake up alert. There is no morning fog or that need for coffee like I used to have.  
  2. My mind is clear and I’m never foggy – not even after lunch.
  3. I feel optimistic and have a sense of well-being.  
  4. I am free from the insanity of sneaking, hiding, and hunting for sugar.
  5. My body doesn’t ache!  When I’m on SWF, I ache all over (bones, joints, muscles, kidneys). No more!

Another Benefit to my Sugar Free Lifestyle

Finally (and this is never my first reason but is always a bonus) ~ I drop weight and sizes like crazy.  Though the scale doesn’t always plummet in my sugar free lifestyle, I can see effects quickly. 

I quickly see and feel a reduction in bloating (not an in-my-tummy-kind- of-bloat, but cells in my entire body). My fingers feel slender and my clothes start to fit better within the first few days.

I also notice that the appearance of cellulite goes away quickly.  Processed sugar is not good for my cells!

My Journey to a Sugar Free Lifestyle

Sugar has had a hold on me for years, and it started long before I was at an age to make healthy choices.  

Birthday cake at the center of a celebration. Ice cream on family vacations. Pancakes on a lazy Sunday morning.  Sweet coffee drinks to kick off a road trip. Baking desserts in preparation for an upcoming party. Nearly all of my comfort foods are packed with hidden and obvious sugars!  

At a particularly sugar-crazed time in my life, I started on a journey to get free from sugar’s grip on me.  That was 13 years ago.

One Day at a Time

Now, don’t get the idea that I have 100% clean in my sugar free lifestyle for that long! In fact, I have to make a one-day-at-a-time choice about what I’m going to eat today (translation: how I want to feel today!).

What I’ve learned about my body comes from two primary sources:  My own trial and experiences with food, and scientific information from several credible sources.  

Learning the Benefits of a Sugar Free Lifestyle

The first time anyone “talked my talk” was author Kathleen Desmaisons, and in her book “Potatoes Not Prozac.”  I felt as though the author was reaching through the pages, grabbing me by the shoulders and saying, “You are not crazy, you have a unique body, and there is hope.”  

Her other books including “Your Last Diet” helped me take my first journey into sugar freedom. Back then, I went off sugar and flour for 4 months. Here’s several books by her:

Trying Out the Sugar Free Lifestyle for Myself

Armed with information from Desmaison and a strong desire to see how I felt without sugar, I took a chance.  

I’m so glad I did!

Before my first month of living a sugar free lifestyle, I had never felt better in my life!  Now I discovered limitless energy. A clear head. Motivation.  Optimism.  I’ll never forget how good I felt, thanks to that grand experiment.

A lot has changed in the 13 years since I first read Desmaisons’ books.  More people are talking about this. My circle widens! Here are some amazing resources from which I’ve learned a TON!

When I got serious about getting off sugar again, I knew that I had to figure out what I could eat.  I searched everywhere for a shopping list that I could use to ensure I had food to eat that wouldn’t trigger my sugar cravings.  There was very little out there.

Over the years, I’ve pieced together a powerful list of foods that provide me freedom from sugar insanity.

So what do I eat in my sugar free lifestyle?

First things first, I’m not a dietician, nor am I in any position to give others health or diet advice.  I’m simply a middle-aged woman who is generally healthy. I wouldn’t call myself a “health nut”. I believe each body is different and one’s doctor knows their body best.  

I’m also not here to promote any particular diet like keto, paleo, or Whole30.  In my searches to hear other’s experience with sugar addiction, there’s definitely some other material out there. But what I really needed help finding was the answer to this question: what do I actually eat?!

It’s no surprise that sugar–cunning, insidious sugar–made its way back into my life.  Those of you who’ve tried know…what makes quitting sugar so hard to do is that IT’S IN EVERYTHING.  Prepackaged foods, fast foods, deli foods, potlucks, even “healthy” food!  

“So if you don’t eat sugar, wheat or flour, then what do you eat?”

The truth is… A LOT!  I love food, and believe me – food needs to taste good!  If my food tasted terrible, or if I was bored, I would never keep up with this.  But I needed to give this a fair shot, and not just for a week. 

You see, my tastes changed tremendously in just a few short weeks of being off sugar.  I can’t tell you how SWEET broccoli tastes to me now!  

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t eat broccoli for dessert!  But my sugar-altered taste buds needed to be calibrated, and that happened after a few weeks of eating this way.

Now about sweeteners and sugar alternatives.  For me and my body, I cannot eat sweeteners or sugars in any form, if I want to avoid triggering the cravings for more.  

Trust me – I have tried hundreds of combinations and attempts to find a way to not cut out sugar completely.  The only thing I’ve found that truly keeps my mind clear and energy high is a lifestyle with no sugars, period.  Now, others might be able to manage it, but I can’t. 

If you’re wondering about the many names of sugar and it’s disguises, there are lots of lists available online.  Knowing these hidden names can be very helpful in your sugar free lifestyle.

Resources for You

Finally, I’m sharing my Shopping List today, and it is HUGE!  I hope it is informative and helpful.  I have also compiled my favorite recipes for my lifestyle!  These are instant digital downloads where you’ll have access to beautiful PDFs for your personal use.  

Feel free to leave a comment or contact me if you want to share your journey or favorite foods!  I’m always looking for great ways to keep my meals fresh and exciting, so that sugar doesn’t have a chance to tempt.

Take care!

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